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Dr. Kali in

the News

Dr. Kali is featured in video, print, and digital works across MSNBC, CNN, NPR, NowThis, Showtime, and more. Check instagram or twitter for updated mentions. 


FEBRUARY 18, 2025

Epicenter-NYC: Overwhelmed and scared due to politics?

Dr. Kali gives advice on small steps you can take to stay grounded in chaos.

JANUARY 13, 2025

New York Times: 35 Simple Health Tips Experts Swear By

Dr. Kali joins other experts in giving their simple tips for a health life.

OCTOBER 30, 2024

Epicenter NYC: Why Everyone Should Care About Pride Month

Dr. Kali shares a message to those who are not LGBTQ.

AUGUST 23, 2023

New York Times: The Collateral Damage of A.D.H.D. Drug Shortages

Dr. Kali weighs in on A.D.H.D. medication shortages.

MARCH 15, 2022

TODAY SHOW ONLINE: The anniversary of Breonna Taylor's death just passed quietly---and I'm so disappointed. 

Dr. Kali discusses the mental health of Black women with the anniversary of Breonna Taylor's death. 

MARCH 20, 2022

NPR's All Things Considered "Americans' stress is spiking over inflation, Ukraine, survey finds 

Dr. Kali discusses Americans' stress spiking amidst current events. 

JANUARY 27, 2022

VOX: How to heal our national exhaustion

Dr. Kali quoted in Vox about the burnout on top of burnout. 

NOVEMBER 23, 2021 

NY TIMES: Why Are More Black Kids Suicidal: A Search for Answers

Dr. Kali quoted in The New York Times. 

JULY 22, 2021

MEDSCAPE: When Hospitals Hurt You, Not Help You: The Horrific Treatment of Patients at One DC-Area Hospital 

Dr. Kali shares a local example of how the mental health hospital system can hurt patients. 

JULY 7, 2021

Leading the Way in LGBTQ+ Health Care Education in Indiana

Dr. Kali reminds us that in order to avoid burnout, we must keep our indurance and stay conscious about how we're doing. 

JUNE  22, 2021

Healthline: New Trevor Project Research: LGBTQ Youth Mental Health Challenges Continue — But There’s Hope

Dr. Kali reflects on Trevor Project's new LGBTQ research.

JUNE 22, 2021

Medscape: How Doctors Communicate About COVID-19: Like a Game of Telephone

Dr. Kali shares the responsibility doctors have to go above and beyond to meet patients where they are and communicate accurate information.

MAY 7, 2021

New York Times: Therapy on Aisle 7: Retailers Are Entering the Mental Health Market

Dr. Kali quoted in The New York Times.

APRIL 23, 2021

Medscape: What I Want People to Know About the Chauvin Verdict

Dr. Kali shares her thoughts on the Derek Chauvin verdict.

FEBRUARY 4, 2021

New York Times: How Society Has Turned Its Back on Mothers

Dr. Kali shares the importance of taking care and focusing on yourself. The pandemic revealed how society views “balance” is a lie. Now, a generation is teetering on the edge. This is a Primal Scream for all women.

OCTOBER 30, 2020

TIME'S UP: Survey Shows Outsized Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Mental Health

TIME'S UP Foundation's national survey (conducted June 2020) reveals how people are struggling with their mental health in the pandemic. Dr. Kali Cyrus and Dr. Jessi Gold offer their take on these survey findings, as well as tips and tools for navigating these challenging times.

JUNE 24, 2020

Greatist: 8 Ways Black People Are Finding Emotional Restoration Right Now

Dr. Kali quoted in Greatist.

JUNE 24, 2020

SELF Magazine: How to Check-in on Your Black Friends & Coworkers

Dr. Kali providing advice on how to open the conversation.

MARCH 2020

TIME'S UP: How to Cope with Anxiety and Loneliness in the Age of Coronavirus

Providing expert advice on how to take care of your mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.


TIME'S UP: Founder's Friday

Dr. Kali is acknowledged for being a founding member of TIME'S UP Healthcare.

JANUARY 18, 2019

Closer: From Clinic to Senate

Dr. Kali discusses how her passions shine through her medical profession and how her advocacy is simple but goes a long way that helps others.

JANUARY 29, 2018

Medical Teacher: When Patients Hurt Us

Discussing patient harassment of medical trainees published in Medical Teacher.Opinion piece about patient harassment of medical trainees published in Medical Teacher.


ShareCare: What to Expect From Your First Psychiatrist Visit

Tips for seeking care.

SEPTEMBER 24, 2018

US News: Can You Boost Your Mental Health by Keeping a Journal?

Dr. Kali quoted in US News.

JUNE 2018

American Psychiatric Association: Identities Should Be Additive, Not ‘Either/Or,’

Dr. Kali reflects on her idenitites and how they've given her unique experiences and more flexibility navigating power dynamics.

JUNE 2017

Yale School of Medicine: Cyrus to become Director of Standardized Patients at YSM's Teaching and Learning Center


MAY 10, 2017

The Cut: What it Feels Like When Your Identity is Heavy

The costs of being the minority.

MAY 9, 2017

JAMA Network: Medical Education and the Minority Tax

Dr. Kali and her perspective on the costs of being the only one.


NEJM: Physician Shortage Spikes Demand in Several Specialties


AUGUST 2016 "The Psychiatrist with a Psychiatrist"

Dr. Kali tells an intimate story about her past psychiartic diagnoses.


FEBRUARY 28, 2024

MSNBC's The Beat with Ari Melber: 'Fraud': Indicted Trump may lose again -- unless ‘political burnout’ curbs turnout

Dr. Kali discusses political fatigue amongst Americans.

FEBRUARY 17, 2023

MSNBC's Chris Jansing Report: Senator Fetterman Checks Himself into Hospital for Clinical Depression 

Dr. Kali discusses importance of public figures discussing mental health publicly and need for government action on increasing funding for the mental health system and parity in funding.

DECEMBER 19, 2022

MSNBC: SYMONE Sanders Show

Dr. Kali joins Symone Sanders to discuss managing mental health during the holiday season. 

DECEMBER 19, 2022

MSNBC: SYMONE Sanders Show

Dr. Kali joins Symone Sanders to discuss managing mental health during the holiday season. 

JANUARY 25, 2022

BNC Live with Tashanea Whitlow

Dr. Kali discusses rising suicide rates within the Black community.

NOVEMBER 3, 2021

Safe Point with Mxiety: Understanding the Black, Queer Experience

Dr. Kali discusses the black, queer experience.

AUGUST 8, 2021 

MSNBC: Tiffany Cross Cross Connection Show

Dr. Kali shares importance of taking care of mental health after Simone Biles comes forward. 

MAY 24, 2021

Confidently Insecure Podcast: Inside the Mind of Psychiatrists

Dr. Kali joins Kelsey Darragh for Mental Health Month.

MAY 8, 2021

CNN: How to Process Re-Entry Anxiety

Dr. Kali shares solid advice for anyone struggling with re-entering society.

MAY 1, 2021

CNN Newsroom: New Chapter in Pandemic as 100+ Million Americans are Vaccinated Part II

Dr. Kali joins Fredericka Whitfield to discuss ways to mitigate anxiety surrounding re-entering society.

MAY 1, 2021

CNN Newsroom: New Chapter in Pandemic as 100+ Million Americans are Vaccinated Part I

Dr. Kali and panel experts join Fredericka Whitfield to discuss anxiety surrounding re-entering society.

APRIL 11, 2021

MSNBC: Cross Connection

Dr. Kali discusses Meghan Markle's disclosure and importance of de-stigmatizing mental health issues within communities of color.

MARCH 14, 2021

MSNBC: Cross Connection

Dr. Kali discusses fear and anxiety around COVID-19, vaccinations, and returning to "normal" life.

FEBRUARY 3, 2021

Newsy: Barriers to Covid Vaccination

Dr. Kali Cyrus speaks with Newsy the barriers to COVID-19 vaccination Black and Latino Americans face, and how we can better level them.

DECEMBER 27, 2020

MSNBC: Jonathan Capehart Show

Dr. Kali appears as a panelist on the Jonathan Capehart Show on 12/27/20 to discuss trepidation with receiving vaccine due to (rightful) mistrust of medical establishment.

OCTOBER 25, 2020

Newsy: Depression During the Pandemic

The impact of depression on millennials and young adults.

JULY 22, 2020

Part II: Discussing Health Equity with Ellen Pompeo and Sheena Williams

A discussion on equity, inclusion, and systemic racism in the health care system.

JULY 22, 2020

Part I: Discussing Health Equity with Ellen Pompeo and Sheena Williams

A discussion on equity, inclusion, and systemic racism in the health care system.

JUNE 8, 2020

CBS42: Health, Diversity Experts Tackle Racism on ‘Coronavirus House Calls

Dr. Kali provides expert commentary on the intersection of COVID-19, public health, and racism.

JUNE 7, 2020

Yahoo News: The Tale of 2 Pandemics

Dr. Kali providing expert commentary on protests during the COVID-19 pandemic.

JUNE 5, 2020

NowThis: Why BIPOC Die from COVID-19 at higher rates

Written and produced by Dr. Kali, Kali uses biology and social science to explain how BIPOC communities have higher rates of immunocompromisation that increases their susceptibility to disease.

JUNE 5, 2020

Dr. Kali Cyrus and Dr. Rob Davidson on Trump's Coronavirus Briefing

Medical doctors and Board Members of Committee to Protect Medicare respond live to a Trump coronavirus briefing. 

MARCH - MAY 2020

Dear Dr. Kali How to the Avoid 'Rona Rage'

Dr. Kali Cyrus answers submissions anonymously on this weekly segment. If you would like to submit a question to Dr. Kali for consideration, please email

MARCH 2020

Doctor's Orders: Vote Warren

Written and produced by Dr. Kali.

SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

TIME'S UP: Convening on Pay Equity

Dr. Kali shares her experiences with discrimination and the pay gap.

MARCH 2019

Yale School of Medicine: How Health Care Providers Interface with the Government

Dr. Kali was keynote speaker for th inaugural "QMED" Conference at the Yale School and dicussed what leadership on the front lines looks like from the queerly visible medical provider.


JANUARY 24, 2024

NPR LifeKit: Why Being Uncomfortable is Important

The feeling of discomfort can be a helpful warning sign, but too much of it can lead to distress. Dr. Kali Cyrus explains how to identify these emotions – and take action if it starts to affect your physical and mental health.

MAY 23, 2023

NPR 1A: In Good Health: Living with Sleep Disorders

Dr. Kali shares her experience with a sleep disorder.

MAY 10, 2023

Death Sex & Money Podcast: Hold On: How Therapists See the Mental Health Crisis

Dr. Kali shares what current clients are worried about, the kinds of support newer clients need, and what they’re telling she's telling clients right now.

MARCH 2, 2023

NPR 1A: What Does it Mean to Engage in Self Care in American Society?

Dr. Kali talks about what it means to practice self-care in a society where capitalism, racism, and classism are working against you.

MARCH 10, 2022

Lifetime's Podcast: The Table is Ours: Where is the CARE in Healthcare?

Dr. Kali discusses healthcare inequities in the Black community. 

APRIL 1, 2022

NPR's Our Body Politic: "Long Covid; Decolonizing Parenting; COVID and Mental Health"

Dr. Kali discusses mental health and equity in the covid-19 era. 

JULY 2021

TED Podcast: Body Stuff by Dr. Jen Gunter

Dr. Kali explains the difference between normal anxiety and anxiety disorder. 

MAY 7, 2021

NPR: If Your Brain Feels Foggy And You're Tired All The Time, You're Not Alone

Dr. Kali comments on common and normal feelings of burnout during the pandemic. 

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

NPR's 1A Show with Jenn White

Pay, Promotions, and Workplace Equity During (And After) the Pandemic.

JUNE 19, 2020

NPR: Science Today

The global pandemic and how national protests are adding to the mental and emotional burden of taking care of others.

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